Los separadores centrífugos Alfa Laval Alfie eliminan el aceite, la grasa y las partículas sólidas de los refrigerantes industriales. Ayudan a prevenir el desgaste de las herramientas, reducen el consumo de fluidos y reducen los costos de eliminación.
Quick, continuous cleaning
- Can be linked to a bypass flow, ensuring less downtime for service
- Disc stack separators provide simultaneous, three-phase separation of oil and sludge
- Designed for operator convenience
- No machinery redesign required
The Alfa Laval Alfie range of compact, high-speed centrifugal separators minimizes operating costs by keeping coolants clean. Systems are fast and effective – helping improve end-product quality and reducing maintenance man-hours.
Acelerando soluciones sustentables
Imagina un mundo más sustentable. Un mundo en el que se necesita menos para producir aún más. Un mundo en el que satisfagamos de forma eficiente nuestras crecientes necesidades energéticas y, al mismo tiempo, reduzcamos las emisiones de CO2. Imagínate un mundo en el que podamos aprovechar el poder de los recursos naturales y al mismo tiempo preservarlos. En Alfa Laval, no solo imaginamos este mundo. Lo construimos junto con nuestros clientes y nuestros socios.

How it works
Alfie systems separate phases quickly by using a centrifugal force that's 5,000 times stronger than the gravity used in traditional settling tanks.
The centrifugal force presses heavy particles outwards against the separator walls. The disc stack forces lighter particles to follow the heavier ones instead of the liquid, making separation more precise and efficient.

Choose the ideal system for your application
We offer systems for all types of fluids – whether you're a small workshop or a large factory.
Alfie 200
Alfie 200 is specially designed to remove contaminants from coolants in smaller systems, using the time-tested technique of centrifugal separation. Alfie 200 is designed for mounting on top of coolant tanks, and is fitted with a bellows that automatically adapts the inlet to the tank's fluid level
Alfie 500
Alfie 500 removes contaminating oil, grease and solid particles from coolants. The result is lower costs due to reduced fluid consumption, lower disposal costs and improvements in both product quality and working environment. Alfie 500 is a mobile system ideal for smaller applications, with special couplings that make it easy to connect and disconnect hoses quickly.
Quick selection guide
The Alfa Laval product guide is an easy-to-use tool to help you filter, select and quote the best solution for effective cleaning of coolants, wash liquids and lube oil. Enter the online catalogue and find your selected products and parts now. If the products are not visible for your country, please fill out the contact form.

Cutting fluid separation
Keeping your cutting fluids free from solid and liquid contaminants prolongs tool and fluid lifetime, which means a lower total cost of ownership and less service downtime.

Wash liquid cleaning
When it comes to cleaning wash liquids, the replacement process can be costly thanks to disposal and downtime. With efficient separation, you can maximise productivity and efficiency for longer.

Save resources by cleaning cutting fluids
Cutting fluids are an essential part of many machining processes, and without the right care and attention they become contaminated and can cause problems. By effectively cleaning your cutting fluids, you can avoid these issues and reduce your overall operating costs. In this whitepaper we explain the pros and cons of the different cleaning methods, and help determine which is best for your business.

Service Kits and Spare Parts
An Alfa Laval centrifugal separator will perform for decades if you look after it properly. But you have to familiarize yourself with the manual and make sure you use genuine spare parts and the right tools. We provide specific service kits with genuine spare parts and a comprehensive package of detailed service instructions. We even have service videos on how to properly maintain your separator. Visit the product catalog to find out more! If the products are not visible for your country, please fill out the contact form.

Contact us
If you want to find out more about cutting fluid separation, fill in the form and one of our experts will be in touch soon.