Aceite de oliva - Sigma 9

Specially designed to help you with two-phase olive oil extraction, the Alfa Laval Sigma series of decanter centrifuges enables you to maximize oil recovery throughout the flow range. These compact, efficient units are ideal for clarification, extraction, dewatering and classification on the first and second extraction.

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Design features and benefits

Sigma decanter centrifuges feature a special design optimized for two-phase operation. Particular features include:

  • Fully protected feed zone, benefiting from a new design
  • Special conveyor design to improve solids transportation and maximize oil recovery
  • Special flight for oil migration to the liquid outlet, designed to help optimize yield and oil clarification by avoiding turbulence
  • 360° solids discharge outlet made of tungsten carbide, for exceptional protection against wear
  • Tungsten carbide tiles on conveyor, for special wear protection that significantly reduces maintenance costs
  • Compact design with small footprint

Electronic control of the conveyor speed (differential speed) means you can adjust the retention time and set it to make sure of maximum oil recovery. A variable frequency drive (VFD) directly connected to the exclusive Alfa Laval direct drive gearbox provides you with electronic control of differential speed. This setup brings you the benefits of minimum power consumption as well as reduced heating of the oil.

Alfa Laval Sigma decanter centrifuges also feature an electronic overload protection system.

High-quality stainless steel is used throughout. The casing is hinged for easy opening, maintenance and cleaning.

Cómo funciona

Principios de funcionamiento

El diseño de la decantadora centrífuga de aceite de oliva Sigma garantiza que la pasta entrante se separe de manera efectiva en aceite y sólidos húmedos.

La pasta de oliva se introduce en el recipiente de la unidad a través de un tubo de entrada estacionario y luego se acelera suavemente mediante un rotor de entrada. La separación tiene lugar en un recipiente cilíndrico horizontal equipado con un transportador sinfín. La fuerza centrífuga hace que el aceite se acumule en la superficie del líquido, mientras que los sólidos se depositan en la pared interna del recipiente, rodeados por el agua separada de la corriente de alimentación.

El transportador gira a una velocidad ligeramente diferente a la del tazón y mueve los sólidos a los puertos de descarga en el extremo cónico. La extracción del aceite de oliva se realiza a lo largo de toda la longitud de la parte cilíndrica del recipiente. El aceite regresa al extremo grande para su descarga y luego pasa a los tanques de recolección a través de un filtro.